Donate to Haven of Hope


Donate to Haven of Hope *

If you feel led to donate to this ministry, please click here or see image for other easy ways to donate. 

Ways to Support Haven of Hope

We invite you to make a meaningful impact on the lives of grieving mothers by contributing to our Haven of Hope retreats. We have expanded our retreat to two locations this year and hope to see God continue to provide areas for Haven of Hope to reach moms around the country. Your support is invaluable to us and the mothers we serve. 

Sponsorship Opportunities:

Retreat Cost for One Grieving Mom $235

Sponsor a mother to attend the retreat by covering the cost of her attendance. Your donation will ensure she has access to this healing experience. If you intend to donate to a scholarship for a specific mom, please put in the comment box the name of the mom you are sponsoring.

Honor a Child $10-$1000

If you would like to honor a child or mom in your donation please add that to the comment section as well.

Snack Sponsorship $250

Sponsor the cost of snacks for the retreat

Speaker Donation $250-500

Provide a monetary donation for the guest speaker’s ministry

Book Sponsorship $600

Sponsor the cost of the books provided to mothers at the retreat

Gift Bag Sponsorship $750

Sponsor gift bags filled with comforting and essential items for our attendees as they arrive. This small gesture will make them feel valued and supported from the start.

T-Shirt Sponsorship $1000

Sponsor the t-shirts for a retreat that each mom will receive with our retreat theme and logo.

Individual Donation Opportunities:

  • One-Time Donation: Make a one-time donation to help support the specific needs of the retreat or general support of Haven of Hope. Your one-time gift will directly impact the lives of the mothers attending the retreat.

  • Recurring Donation: Set up a recurring donation to provide ongoing support for our retreat programs and services. Your monthly or annual contribution will help us plan and execute our retreats throughout the year, ensuring continuous support for grieving mothers.

Your individual one-time and recurring donations will help to pay for: 

  • Welcome Bags

  • Speakers and Workshops

  • Food and Meals

  • Resources and Materials

  • Leadership Growth

  • Curriculum Development

  • Transportation

  • Other Essential Retreat Expenses

How to Donate:

  • Online: Visit our website at to make a secure online donation. You can choose a one-time or recurring donation option on our website.

  • By Mail: Send a check to Sherry Contreras  3015 Forest Creek Drive, Katy, TX 77494 with a note specifying which area you would like to support. Please indicate if this is a one-time or recurring donation.

  • In-Person: Contact any of the board members to arrange a meeting or drop-off. We can assist you in setting up your preferred donation method.

  • PayPal: @havenofhope16 

Thank you for your donation to Haven of Hope.